
When it comes to waterproofing apartments, the most budget-friendly option is likely to be chosen. However, choosing the cheapest vendor or a company with mediocre credentials can result in long-term costs. Waterproofing is an essential aspect of apartment maintenance, and compromising on maintenance can result in a pool of issues that are expensive and time-consuming to fix.

In this blog, we’ll explore how not hiring quality waterproofing vendors can cost you more in the long run.

The Importance of Proper Waterproofing

Waterproofing solutions are essential for protecting apartments from water damage. Whether they’re apartments or condos, preventing water infiltration is key to maintaining the structural integrity of the building. Quality waterproofing ensures that water doesn’t enter the walls, floors, or foundation, which will otherwise result in mold growth or structural collapse. It is imperative to choose a qualified, experienced vendor.

Let’s examine the typical issues linked to subpar waterproofing solutions to grasp the full impact.

Common Issues with Low-Quality Waterproofing Solutions

1. Lower Quality Materials: Low-cost vendors commonly use cheaper, low-quality materials to keep their prices consistent. These materials might not be durable or efficient in preventing water penetration, causing an early failure of the waterproofing system.

2. Weak Workmanship: Waterproofing requires standard expertise and precision. Vendors without enough experience or training may apply the waterproofing layer improperly or fail to identify potential water access areas. This leads to incomplete waterproofing that leaves your condo at risk.

3. Improper Evaluation and Preparation: A quality vendor will rigorously evaluate the area to be waterproofed and correctly prepare the surfaces. Without this crucial step, waterproofing materials may not perform properly, leading to weak areas and gradual failure.

It’s important to understand the lasting costs that poor waterproofing can bring.

The Long-Term Costs of Poor Waterproofing Solutions

1. Water Damage Repairs: When waterproofing solutions fail, water can penetrate into the structure, damaging walls, ceilings, and floors. This results in expensive repairs that exceed the initial savings from hiring a cheaper vendor.

2. Mold Remediation: Moisture that enters the building creates a comfortable environment for mold growth. Mold remediation is expensive and also poses health risks to occupants, causing additional liabilities.

3. Structural Damage: Over time, water penetration can weaken the apartment’s foundation and other structural elements. This damage can be costly to repair and may require renovations or rebuilding.

4. Increased Maintenance Costs: Poor-quality waterproofing solutions often require regular repairs and upkeep. Over time, these recurring costs can pile up, making it significantly more expensive than if you had invested in quality waterproofing solutions from the initial stage.

5. Reduced Property Value: Apartments with a history of water damage or ongoing waterproofing issues may decrease their value. Potential buyers and investors will likely be apprehensive about purchasing a property with waterproofing issues, which can limit the ability to sell or lease the property.

Given the significant long-term costs, it’s easy to see why choosing quality vendors is a wise investment.

Why Quality Vendors Are Worth the Investment

1. Peace of Mind for Years: Quality vendors stand by their work. They offer warranties that protect you against future issues and provide after-service support if anything goes wrong.

Example: You might pay a bit more upfront for a vendor who offers a five-year warranty, but this is a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes with knowing you won’t have to worry about leaks for years to come.

2. Durable Materials: Quality vendors use superior materials that are crafted to last. These materials offer better protection and minimise the likelihood of future waterproofing issues.

2. Expert Workmanship: Experienced and qualified vendors have the skillset and knowledge to apply waterproofing systems correctly. They understand the complications and complexities of different structures and customize their approach to provide comprehensive protection.

4. Thorough Inspections and Preparation: A renowned vendor will thoroughly evaluate the apartments and properly prepare all surfaces before applying the waterproofing solutions. This careful attention ensures that waterproofing is impactful and lasting.

5. Warranty and After-Service: Peace of Mind for Years: Quality vendors stand by their work. They offer warranties that protect you against future issues and provide after-service support if anything goes wrong.


While it may be enticing to save money by employing a cheaper waterproofing vendor, the potential costs of poor-quality work outnumber the initial savings. The aftermath of inadequate waterproofing can be severe, from water damage repairs and mold remediation to structural damage and declined property value. Investing in a quality vendor from the initial stage ensures that the apartments are perfectly protected, minimising the risk of expensive repairs and maintenance in the future. Protect your investment with Zahabi Inc.’s waterproofing services. Our experienced team and high-quality materials provide the assurance you need. Contact us today to get started. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn